4 Types of Content the Audience Loves Seeing

“Content is king.” It is, but in a digital world where content marketing is widespread, how do you stand out in the noise?

Based on our long experience with social media and content marketing, we can say that standing out may be a little challenging, but it’s possible. All you need to do is think about what you’re putting out there. If you don’t have any idea about the content that gets the most attention, we are here to share with you 4 types of content that are SUCCESSFUL:

  1. Polls & Quizzes 

Quizzes and polls are compelling because they actively involve the readers and make them curious about the results. You have probably completed a quiz or a poll about your zodiac sign, your personality, your future, etc., and even though you may not believe the results, still, hitting that “Get Results” button gives you another kind of excitement.

  1. Infographics 

The shorter the information, the higher the engagement rates! On busy days, we tend to skip a lot of interesting long blog posts or articles just because of the need for more time. So what’s better than posting an infographic (a summary of the information your audience wants to read)?

  1. Videos & Live Streaming

Lately, more than ever, marketers are getting SO creative with their videos. If you own a business, consider creating videos that share value with your customers, such as How-to videos, videos that mention the benefits of your products, videos that teach users something about your product, step-by-step videos, BTS videos, etc.

Videos are guaranteed success! All you have to do is to film.

  1. Interactive E-books & Whitepapers 

E-books are still one of the most popular forms of content for marketers. But marketers are looking at new ways to make them more engaging and to encourage readers to keep turning their pages. This is where interactive e-books come in handy!

An interactive ebook is no longer a static collection of pages. It has built-in touchscreen capabilities that provide a sensory experience for the reader, whether with other videos, embedded quizzes, or interactive data points.

Wildly engaging and interactive content is the one that lets you get involved, and it is the best solution if you want to connect with your audience on a deeper level or drive more conversions to your product or service.

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