4 Ways you Can Use Reddit for Business

If there is a platform where people come together to talk about everything, this is Reddit!

Reddit enables you to participate in open discussions, get answers from highly engaged niche communities, perpetuate memes, etc. It seems like a platform dedicated to fun and entertainment, far from other formal, professional platforms we usually use. But does this mean Reddit isn’t useful for business owners?

Reddit has 52 million daily active users, and statistics say that 90% of people who use Reddit for research reportedly trust the product information they find more than the information they find on other sites.

So why don’t you begin harnessing Reddit to grow and improve your business? Whether you are a start-up or an established business, there are some tips you have to follow to use this platform efficiently.

Reddit ADS 

Advertising on Reddit is one of the safest ways to market your products on Reddit. With Reddit ads, you can target people based on the subreddits they’ve subscribed to, which lets you get in front of some particular niches.

Promote deals in the right subreddits 

There is a subreddit even for the most weirdest, uncommon thing! These subreddits include deals as well. If you are running a sale, you can share it in communities such as r/deals, where you can find interested shoppers.

Run a contest in a subreddit 

Running a contest engages a subreddit in a way that contributes value. If you are thinking of running a contest or giveaway, you can reach out to the mods of a subreddit (you can find them in the sidebar) and work out an arrangement. As a price, you can give one of your products.

Market Research and Feedback 

Once you find a subreddit that is interested in your niche and ready to engage with everything that has to do with business, you can ask its subscribers to give you feedback about your product or business idea. As Reddit says, “Dive into everything.” While diving into everything, you can easily find opportunities to promote your business and turn them in your favor.



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